Your publications have helped in assuring her that all males aren't 100% masculine in that we enjoy feminine things and outlooks, but we can still be 100% male.
So thank you again from both of us for your wonderful magazines and books. Keep up the good work, please.
Yours truly, Judith
Dear Virginia:
After seeing you on a TV show I am greatly changed. It seemed to have set me partly free. I have at last found out I'm not the only one like this. Life has been terrible all these years . . . the lonesomeness of self con- demnation. At last, thanks to you and God I've found out.
As I sit here writing this note I'm wearing my wig and am fully dressed. It seems that after seeing you I went all the way, bought a bra and made a couple of inserts which passed but not good enough. I would like you to know that I'm grateful beyond words to you and your staff, also the TVs who make up TRANSVESTIA . . . I'm sure if I had learned about TVism long ago I would have been much happier...
Gee, Virginia, I don't know where all this is coming from, I guess you are my doctor. You're certainly a wonderful girl. I'm signing off with this half's signature...
Love, Charlotte
Editor's Comment:
I'm always a little uncomfortable printing letters in which I am being complimented since it looks as though I was tooting my own horn and reaching for public commendation. But I print them because one never knows who will open a copy of TVia. I have enemies and those who dis- approve, condemn or poo-poo my efforts. For them to know that those same efforts are appreciate and are helpful may change their attitude a bit. Wives who are not yet understanding may be helped by finding from the letters how others than their husbands feel about TVism, TVia, and Virginia which may in turn moderate their attitudes a bit. Finally, I want those who see no value in my public relations efforts and who do not see any need to help support them, as well as those who do believe in this and who have made financial contributions to them to get a small taste of the results of those efforts. The letters referring to the TV shows are a selec- tion of course. Most of the responses give no details, just ask for the in- formation on subscribing but the ones printed here reveal some of the basic good these appearances do.